How to Check Others Whatsapp Call History

This article has a solution for Android and iPhone users who want to know if tracking others’ WhatsApp calls is feasible. Tracking WhatsApp calls on iPhone and Android smartphones is a simple and easy process. However, before detailing how to perform this tracking, it is crucial to explain why it is required at specific points in time.

The most important reason to keep track of these messages and phone conversations is to safeguard your safety. For youngsters, this is particularly true. Nowadays, even young children have access to smartphones. Youngsters between the ages of 13 are the most likely to own phones.

Just as no parents ever would leave their kids alone with people in the real world, you should do the same thing online. When children can communicate with so many strangers on social media, leaving them unattended is not a good idea. It can lead to children making bad decisions or engaging in risky behavior that will affect their future.

You can stop this by keeping tabs on your children’s mobile devices, including their smartphones, WhatsApp, and other messaging apps.

If an employee’s professional profile is at stake, many business owners consider keeping tabs on their WhatsApp conversations. Several companies give their staff smartphones to make business and foreign mobile calls from their offices. To investigate whether or not their staff is making the right phone calls and delivering the right messages. This is especially true for companies that have marketing as their primary focus.

You must be familiar with the legal terms that only allow you to check digital phones with their permission. Their professional calls may be recorded for quality control purposes.

How to Check Others Whatsapp Call History

Tracking a user’s call history through their WhatsApp application is convenient and secure. Taking their phone, on which the intended WhatsApp is installed, is all that is required.

  • Open WhatsApp app
  • Here are three settings. These include chats, status updates, and phone calls.
  • The “Calls” feature can be found on the right side of the screen.
  • It’s done! You can listen to and watch a history of all your WhatsApp voice and video calls right here.
  • Moreover, you’ll be able to observe who phoned whom, when they called, and how long the calls lasted.
  • To summarise, this is a call log in disguise if a call was incoming or outgoing, as well as other details.

In this manner, you can access both Android and iPhone mobile devices. It is the quickest and most convenient technique for checking WhatsApp call history; but it is still not the most secure or accurate option.

As a result, WhatsApp’s call history log can be deleted by a user at any time. For example, the complete record can be deleted, or specific calls can be selected and deleted by the users. Because of this, it would be easy for someone to hide a particular phone call that they had made.

Users can track WhatsApp calls without the user’s knowledge or ability to remove the logs. In addition, the interface of WhatsApp on the targeted device can be viewed from your phone using this application.

The phone to check it. WhatsApp call history can be monitored more cautiously and hidden using this method, ensuring that you receive accurate and authentic information.


There are two ways to look at others’ WhatsApp history: third-party apps to track the targeted phone. So keep an eye on your kids’ phones nowadays.

However, it is necessary to remember that you must first get their permission to trace individuals or face legal action.

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Faaiz Amjad

Content Crafter at WikiTechLibrary, a passionate Blogger, He loves to write about tech updates and try new things.
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