How to See Someone’s Hidden Following List on TikTok

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms, allowing users to express their creativity through short video clips. One of the key features of TikTok is the ability to follow other users and see a feed of their posted content.

However, some users choose to keep their following list private. This often sparks curiosity among other users about who those people are following. While it’s understandable to be intrigued, it’s important to respect each user’s privacy choices.

Method #1: Request Approval as a Follower

If you want to view someone’s hidden following list, the proper way is to ask them directly:

  1. Go to their TikTok profile page
  2. Tap the “Follow” button to send them a follow request
  3. Wait to see if they approve your request
  4. If approved, you may be able to view the following list, depending on their exact privacy settings
  5. If they do not approve, respect their decision and move on

This method respects user consent and aligns with TikTok’s policies. However, even if approved, access isn’t guaranteed, as users can selectively hide followers too.

Method #2: Use of Web Browser

Some have tried to view a hidden following list on TikTok via a web browser on a desktop computer. Here is how it works:

  1. Go to the user’s profile in a browser
  2. Click on the “Following” button
  3. See if the full list loads, or if only a limited number appear

In testing, this method revealed a maximum of around 60-100 followed accounts before stopping. So for users with many more, the full hidden list remained elusive through this means.

Additionally, TikTok may block this kind of access attempt under some conditions. So while it offers a glimpse, using a web browser has limitations.

Method #3: Consideration of Third-Party Apps

Many third-party apps and websites claim they can reveal TikTok users’ hidden following lists. However, proceeding with caution is strongly advised.

TikTok prohibits the use of third-party services that enable unauthorized access to private user data. The platform also employs protective measures to block scraping tools and bots.

In addition to violating TikTok’s policies, these services pose major security, privacy, and ethical concerns, including:

  • Potential scams, data breaches, and hacking risks
  • Sharing or selling user data without consent
  • Circumventing consent and personal boundaries

For these reasons, most experts recommend avoiding third-party apps claiming to show hidden following lists on TikTok.


While the allure of uncovering hidden social connections is understandable, respecting TikTok users’ personal privacy choices should be the utmost priority.

Attempting to access private data without consent violates ethics, TikTok’s rules, and user trust. As members of the TikTok community, our role is to foster authentic human connections in a supportive environment.

If you want to engage with someone on TikTok, focus on commenting thoughtfully, reacting to their content, and building real rapport through your shared interests.

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Ahmad Ali

Ahmad Ali is an IT Professional and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information about the creations occurring in the IT world.
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