Telegram has rolled out version 10.5 of its popular messaging app. The update introduces several notable new features, including a slick “Thanos Snap” animation when deleting messages, a redesigned call interface, and major improvements to the Bot Platform.
When you delete a message in Telegram 10.5, it will now disappear with an animated effect inspired by Thanos’s famous finger snap from Avengers: Infinity War.
The vaporized animation was previously only available in the iOS version but now comes to Android as well. It applies whenever you manually delete a message.
The voice and video calling experience in Telegram is also getting modernized in this release. The update brings a new call interface with slick animations and dynamic backgrounds based on call status.
Telegram claims the redesign is less resource-intensive, improving performance on older devices and saving battery life. There are also underlying improvements to call quality and connection stability.
Arguably the biggest change in v10.5 is a substantial upgrade to Telegram’s Bot Platform. Bots are now more interactive and capable thanks to the new Bot API v7.0.
They can now react to messages, manage reactions, quotes, links, and more. This major revamp aims to make Telegram bots more useful and engaging.
Telegram team says additional undisclosed new features are launching with this update as well. They plan to reveal more details about these mystery upgrades at some point in January 2024.