How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

You want to create a blog but aren’t sure how.

You could create a blog on WordPress with Hostinger by following this step-by-step tutorial.

Starting a blog can greatly impact your life, and I can attest to this from personal experience. Furthermore, blogging is a legal and thriving business venture that does not need a large investment.

I launched many profitable blogs in 2020 that helped me make money online.

I have included a list of my blog’s tools to earn money.

One of the best decisions I have ever made was to create my blog since it allowed me to see opportunities beyond a standard 9-to-5 job.

Get Hosing Plan

What is a Blog & Why We Start a Blog?

To start, you must be aware of the concept of a blog. A  blog is a type of web page that frequently updates content. These are articles here that cover a particular topic or many different topics.

The “Niche” of the blog refers to the blog’s content or the category in which you publish.

There are many categories, such as Technology, fashion, traveling, business, etc. You can choose any category and write content on it.

To show their writing abilities or as a way to satisfy their writing interests, some people create blogs to convey themselves. Although blogging could be used to make money, many people are aware of this.

You can create a blog and start to earn money from the blog easily; the purpose of this article is to understand how to start a blog.

How to Start Your Blog?

In the following sections, you will learn exactly how to start a blog quickly in a few steps.

Because creating a blog can feel a little daunting, I have tried to provide everything but make the method as simple as possible.

Let me take care of everything for you! Follow these simple steps to create a blog.

Choose a Niche

To generate ideas for blog posts you want to write. You can focus on a single or many topics.

Having a specific audience in mind when you write is a wise decision since it creates your authority and gives your viewers the impression that you are an authority on the topic content you cover.

There are many famous and successful blogging niches:

  • Fitness
  • Fashion
  • Travel
  • Personal Finance
  • Technology
  • Beauty & Makeup
  • Food & Cooking

It’s OK if you can’t negotiate on another blogging topic right now.

You could write about anything that interests you, and as the blog grows in popularity, you can help determine your focus based on what your visitors want to read.

Choose Your Blog Domain Name

We could have been more excited to take this next step!

Your blog’s name is in your hands. The domain is the URL that visitors will use to find a blog on the internet.

For example, my site’s domain or name is “,” which my visitors provide when looking for my blog.

Here are some advantage of the benefits of choosing a blog title:

Users are more inclined to identify a domain beginning with “.com” since it is a common domain name conclusion. Also, it will give the blog a more professional appearance.

Do not complicate things. Choose a title that is easy to remember and spell.

It’s easier to remember names that aren’t too long. Your domain name should contain no more than two or three words.

Avoid spelling errors in your domain name because this can irritate your readers.

You can include keywords associated with the niche in your content. If you choose to establish a food blog, for example, the domain can consist of the terms “cooking,” “eating,” or “kitchen.”

Symbols and numbers should be avoided because they are difficult to remember.

Don’t make the domain name too complicated. For example, if you struggle with what to call your blog, you could use your real name.

So now time to take some action.

Take a paper and write down all the titles that come to mind. Then, when you’re trying to register a blog domain name, this listing will come in handy because another person may take your preferred name.

So you will have to come up with something else to do. So, having a list of blog names to select from is a brilliant idea.

Register Your Domain and Hosting

Self-hosted blogs are the best way to get started with a blog. Your blog’s content will be yours to keep, and nobody can take it away from you.

Your blog may be taken down or closed down if users start it on free blogging platforms like Blogger, WordPress, etc.

Because you are using their provider to host their blog, you can not own the content you create while using a such free blogging platform to run the blog.

Having a self-hosted WordPress blog is the best way for my viewers to blog. You will need to select a web hosting provider to achieve this.

For web hosting, all of my blogs are hosted by Hostinger, and I’m happy to recommend them because they’re one of the best out there and offer great deals.

Here are a few of the purposes I have come to depend on their service provider:

They offer one of the world’s most extensive, most inexpensive web hosting services.

They have flash site speed that would not cause your blog to bog down. It means that their viewers will spend more time on the blog.

Hostinger’s customer service team is truly exceptional. They have always solved any troubles with the blog. It’s almost as if I have a team of experts at my disposal to help me with technical difficulties with my blog hosting.

When you sign up for their hosting service, you will get a free domain and a free SSL certificate. So you could save money by not having to purchase a separate domain name.

Several well-known and well-respected bloggers use Hostinger to strengthen their revenue blogs.

Packages from Hostinger start at $3.99 per month and come with a free domain name and a free SSL certificate.

Just click on any of the Hostinger links in this article to take advantage of this incredible deal.

Step-by-Step Guide to Purchase a Hosting Plan

You can get started with Hostinger by following the steps highlighted in the article:

Visit Hostinger Website

Go to the Hostinger Website and click on the Hosting Menu that you want to purchase.

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

Select a Hosting Plan

Choose the Hosting Plan that you want to purchase from here.

Get Hosing Plan

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

Which Hosting plan should you select?

The “WordPress Hosting Starter” package displayed in the image is the best option for you.

This package provides a free domain name and a Free SSL. If you plan to create many blogs later, this package is the best option because it allows you to manage 100 sites.

The WordPress Hosting Starter provides more features and capacity at a lower price than the Individual Shared Hosting Plan.

All of my blogs are hosted on the premium package, which has shown to be highly cost-effective and time-saving for me.

Choose Your Plan Period

This is the page where you will make your plan, period. My recommendation would be to go with the 48-month package because it’s the cheapest and most effective for four years.

For 4 years, you would not be paying for web hosting!

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

I recommend the 48-month subscription for $3.99 a month if you can save money over the long term.

You could also select one of the three possibilities if you would like. However, the 48-month package is the most cost-effective over the long term due to a savings of 80%.

Create Your Hosting Account & Enter the Payment Detail

Make sure you provide the email used to get into your Hostinger account here. Accounts can also be set up using Google, Facebook, or Github, amongst other options.

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

Here we are at the end.

Enter the payment information and select your method of payment. There are many ways to pay accepted by Hostinger: Google Pay, PayPal, credit card, and cryptocurrency.

To pay for your hosting plan, tap on submit secure payment after selecting a payment method.

Hostinger may allow you to select a free domain name now or in the future. You can now select the domain name that you have previously decided on.

To access the hosting account, you will first need to set up an account and then pay for it.

Congrats! You have successfully purchased a Hosting and Domain.

Set Up WordPress on Your Blog

Now, WordPress will be installed on your blog.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is the best CMS available for blogs and websites, and it’s free.

It is a breeze to use, including for beginners. You will be able to create a blog with WordPress easily.

Install WordPress on Hostinger Hosting

1. In your Hostinger Dashboard, press the “Manage” button next to the domain name.

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

2. You will see a lot of options and apps.

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

Click on “Auto Installer” when you have reached the section for the site.

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

3. On the next page Select the WordPress Option.

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

4. Fill up the required details. In the right column of HTTP, type your domain name. Next, provide your blog’s login username, password,  email address, and website title. Click on Install after you have chosen your language.

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

Congrats! You have installed WordPress successfully on your Blog.

When WordPress has been installed, you will need to enter the WordPress admin dashboard to access your content. To do so, add the /wp-admin prefix to the end of the web address.

For example, suppose you type “” into your web browser. You will be redirected to the WordPress page to enter the login details you generated in the previous steps and access the WordPress dashboard.

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

Now, the WordPress dashboard will open. You can see here many options like Posts, Appearance, and Plugin options.

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

On the appearance option, you will see the other options of Theme, Widget, Menus, etc. Choose your theme to select the theme option.

If you can upload any plugin then go to the plugin option click on the new option and upload your theme.

How To Start A WordPress Blog With Hostinger

WordPress offers many free themes, and you can choose the best theme for you. For personal blogs, I recommend using the Astra and OceanWP Themes because they are lightweight and help boost the site’s performance.

You have finally finished the setup of your blog! Congratulations on following along and making the smart choice to start a new blog.

What you do next is up to you.

Write Content and Monetize it

Writing blog content, and writing them in huge volumes, is important right now.

If you want to promote your blog on Pinterest, I recommend that you write 5 – 10 blog posts first.

Pinterest would support you in increasing traffic to the blog and growing the audience.

After that, you would be able to advertise the blog through display advertisements from AdSense or Ezoic. Ezoic is a provider that I use to display advertisements on the blog, and I strongly recommend them.

If you want to make money from it, you should look into Ezoic. They are considered among the best options for AdSense as they can increase your revenue.

You can also make money from blogs by participating in affiliate programs.

There are so many ways of making money from blogging, but first and most importantly, you must create a considerable collection of blog posts so that your viewers will be more likely to stay on the blog for a more extended period and read it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I start a blog with Hostinger?

Sign up for a Hostinger account, choose a suitable hosting plan, pick a domain name, install a blog platform like WordPress, and customize your blog with themes and plugins.

Is Hostinger a good platform for blogging?

Hostinger is a popular and affordable option for hosting blogs, offering reliable performance and easy-to-use management tools.

What blog platform does Hostinger support?

Hostinger supports popular blog platforms such as WordPress, Joomla, and Wix.

Does Hostinger provide a free domain name for a blog?

No, Hostinger does not offer a free domain name, but you can purchase one through their website.

Can I migrate an existing blog to Hostinger?

Yes, you can migrate your existing blog to Hostinger by using the platform’s website migration service.

Does Hostinger offer a money-back guarantee?

Yes, Hostinger offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for their hosting plans.


Creating a blog is simple, but if you want to turn it into a legitimate source of money, you must put in the required time and effort.

You must implement the appropriate strategies and understand others who have already achieved success with their blogs.

However, if you put in the best efforts, it can be one of the most profitable sources of income.

You must consider it as a business and make important investments such as a domain name and premium hosting and put in a lot of effort and time.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or send me an email, and I will try to help you with setting up the blog to earn money.

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Faaiz Amjad

Content Crafter at WikiTechLibrary, a passionate Blogger, He loves to write about tech updates and try new things.
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