What is Quora and How to Earn Money from Quora

What is Quora App? In today’s article, we will tell you that. Well, millions of people use Quora but due to a lack of accurate information, very few people can earn money from it. But if you read our article till the end, you too can earn money with the help of Quora.

In this article, we have told you 6 natural ways to make money from Quora, through which other people are also making money from Quora.

So without taking much of your time, let’s get straight to our subject and find out first.

What is Quora?

Quora (Quora) A forum website Where people answer many questions on different topics. Quora website Knowledge box Yes, you can ask any kind of question on Quora, and you can answer questions related to the topic in which you have good knowledge. You can also earn money by asking questions here. All you need to do is join the Quora Partner Program.

Apart from this, Quora also gives you a chance to earn money if people like your answers. Quora recently launched a new feature where you can ask questions privately.

Also, Quora has many great features available that make it the world’s number 1 forum website.

How to make money from Quora

Following are the 6 best ways to make money from Quora.

  • Through blog promotion
  • From affiliate marketing
  • and E-book sales
  • Promote the company
  • Through the Quora Partner Program
  • By Quora Space

Let us now know about them in detail.

#1 – Earn money from Quora by promoting your blog

Quora is the best platform to get blog traffic as fast as possible. If you are a blogger and work on your blog regularly then with the help of Quora you can promote your blog and increase your blog earnings by getting traffic.

As you know Quora. But there is a repository of knowledge where many people ask questions and answers on various topics. You on Quora Blogging niche Practicing relevant topics and space and answering people’s questions. You must also include a link to the relevant blog post in your reply.

Through your blog link, people will reach your website from Quora and it will also increase your website revenue.

By Quora Google Adsense Earnings will increase, affiliate products will be sold, your products will be sold, your blog will be branded, traffic will be generated on the blog, more sources of income will be created, and you will get from Quora like this. There will be many benefits.

#2 – Make money from Quora through affiliate marketing

If you Affiliate marketing If you do, then Quora is the perfect product promotion platform for you. Most people make money by doing affiliate marketing on Quora. If you do affiliate marketing on Quora with a strategy, you can get maximum sales in less time.

First, you need to follow your affiliate product niche on Quora and be active there regularly. Constantly asking questions and answering questions. When people start trusting you, then you can earn a lot of money from Quora by promoting affiliate products. If you want to make money from Quora through affiliate marketing, you have to win people’s trust.

#3 – Make money from Quora by selling eBooks

There are people on Quora who want to gain knowledge. If you have good knowledge in any subject then you can create an e-book in that subject, and recommend the e-book to answer the questions asked on Quora. You can also earn a lot of money from Quora by selling eBooks.

If people benefit from your ebook, they will recommend other people to get your ebook. Quora is a good platform to promote your eBook.

#4 – Advertise the company on Quora

If you own a company, you should know that Google, Facebook, How expensive it is to advertise a company through ads, etc. But if you want to promote your company for free and find the right customers, this facility is also available on Quora.

You answer questions related to your company on Quora, this will give you traffic on Quora as well as users on Google But if you search for a question related to your company, your answers will rank on Quora. Thus, with Quora, you can be free.

#5 – Earn money through the Quora Partner Program

Quora a few years ago Quora Partner Program People who answer questions can earn money through this program. While Quora itself invites people to its partner program, you won’t find a partner program option anywhere on Quora’s website.

Quora invites people to its partner program whose questions and answers get more than 1 lakh views and whose answers people share, vote, and comment on. If you’re an expert in your subject and answer people’s questions satisfactorily, you’ll automatically get an invitation to the Quora Partner Program.

Get paid by the Quora Partner Program. PayPal can be obtained by To get an invitation to Quora Partner Program, you need to be active on Quora regularly and have some patience.

#6 – Make money with Quora Space

Quora launched a feature called Quora Space in 2018 where questions related to a single topic are answered. Quora Space is like a group where many people who are interested in the same topic can join.

Quora Space allows Admin to earn money. You can make a niche for yourself on any topic on Quora and post good posts regularly. When your space grows followers, your earning tab will be activated in your Quora space.

When you get your 10$ you can make your own. Bank account Pay with your link. Bank Account receivable. Gradually, as the number of followers in your Quora Space increases, so will your earnings.

Quora pays space admins from ad revenue from people who run ads on Quora.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many questions can I ask in a day on Quora?

You can only ask 10 questions a day on Quora. If you want to ask more than 10 questions, you have to wait for the next day.

How much money can I withdraw from Quora Space?

When you have $10 in Quora Space, you can transfer money from Quora Space to your bank account.

When can I join the Quora Partner Program?

When your question and answer on Quora gets more than 1 lakh views, Quora sends you an invitation to its partner program.

How much space can I build on Quora?

There is no limit, you can create as many spaces as you want on Quora.


Quora is the best platform if you want to earn money online along with increasing your knowledge. You can make money through Quora in several ways which we have discussed in the article above.

I hope you like this article written by us. Must have liked it. If you have any queries or suggestions you can tell us in the comment box, and yes share this article with your friends on various social media.

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Muqadas Fatima

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