Unconventional Charging Issue Plagues iPhone 15 Pro Users

The newly launched iPhone 15 Pro has been reported to exhibit unusual charging behavior. The device’s USB-C port, instead of drawing power from connected power banks, appears to be charging them up. This unexpected issue has left users and tech enthusiasts puzzled.

The iPhone 15 Pro was introduced to the market last month, bringing with it a slew of innovative features. However, along with these advancements, the device also seems to have ushered in a host of technical problems.

From shattering back glass to overheating, battery drain issues, and broken wireless charging reports, Apple has found itself in the midst of a storm of user complaints.

The latest issue to join this list is related to the iPhone’s new USB-C charging port. Users have reported that when they connect their iPhone 15 Pro to a power bank for charging, the phone ends up charging the power bank instead.

This peculiar problem was first brought to light by a Reddit user who experienced this while using his iPhone 15 Pro with an Anker power bank. Similar issues have also been reported when connecting the iPhone to an iPad.

This issue is believed to be linked to the iPhone’s newly introduced capability of reverse charging, a feature that has been present in Android devices for quite some time.

Reverse charging allows a phone to act as a power bank for other devices, enabling one phone to charge another. However, this feature should not result in a phone charging a power bank, which is designed to power up other devices.

In response to this issue, Anker has advised users to charge their iPhones using the USB-A port on the power bank rather than the USB-C port.

Meanwhile, it remains unclear whether Apple has addressed this issue in its latest update to iOS 17. As the tech giant grapples with these challenges, users eagerly await solutions to these unexpected problems.

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