How to Recover Deleted Notes on Mac

Losing important notes on your Mac can be incredibly frustrating. These notes may contain vital information like passwords, contact details, to-do lists, and more. Without access to that data, you may feel lost or overwhelmed when trying to pick up where you left off.

But don’t panic! With the right approach, you can recover deleted notes on your Mac.

How to Recover Deleted Notes on Mac

Check the Recently Deleted Folder

When you delete notes on your Mac, they get stored in a special Recently Deleted folder for 30 days before being permanently erased. Here’s how to access that folder:

  1. Open the Notes app
  2. Click “View” on the menu bar and select “Show Folders”
  3. Select the “Recently Deleted” folder
  4. Search for and select your missing note
  5. Click “Recover” to restore the note or drag it into another folder to save it

Restore Notes from iCloud

If you have iCloud sync enabled for Notes, you may be able to recover deleted notes from Just log into your iCloud account online, open Notes, check the Recently Deleted folder, and click “Recover” on your notes.

Reconnect Other Accounts

If you are using Gmail or another third-party account in Notes, reconnect that account to see if your missing notes reappear. They may resync from the account’s servers.

Search Everywhere

Use the Notes search feature to hunt for a keyword or phrase from your deleted note. With some luck, you may uncover notes hidden in other folders or smart folders.


Recovering deleted notes is possible if you act quickly and use Notes’ built-in recovery features. Check the Recently Deleted folder, restore notes from iCloud, reconnect accounts, and thoroughly search Notes.

Stay calm and follow this guide to get back the missing important notes. With persistence and care, you can rescue your valuable Mac notes.

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Muqadas Fatima

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