Tekken 8 Review: The King of the Iron Fist Continues to Shine

Tekken series has been one of the pillars of the fighting game genre ever since the first game was released in arcades back in 1994. Over the past three decades, the series has continued to evolve and improve with each new entry, cementing its place as one of the premier 3D fighting franchises.

Tekken 8 is the latest installment in the storied fighting series. As the first mainline numbered entry in over 6 years, Tekken 8 had a lot of hype and expectations riding on it from fans who have stuck with the series from the start.

With updated visuals, new mechanics, and additional characters, Tekken 8 aims to move the series forward while retaining what makes these games so beloved.

Tekken 8 in gaming community

tekken 8 reina

Ever since Tekken 8 was first announced in 2022, fans of the series were filled with anticipation for what the next chapter would bring. After the success of Tekken 7, which is still being updated and played by dedicated fans to this day, the developers set the bar high for themselves.

Early previews showcased the gorgeous new visuals powered by Unreal Engine 5, with character models and backgrounds receiving major graphical upgrades. Gameplay videos revealed new mechanics like the Heat System and Ultimate Techniques, which added more depth and strategy to matches.

Now that Tekken 8 is finally out, critics and fans alike are praising it as a worthy follow-up that retains the great gameplay the series is known for while providing enough new content to feel fresh. Review scores have been very positive so far, clearly showing that Tekken 8 has lived up to the substantial hype.

Review of Tekken 8: The King of the Iron Fist Continues

tekken 8 kazuya and jin fighting

With its release, Tekken 8 has shown that it is building upon and evolving the legacy of past games rather than reinventing the wheel. At its core, gameplay still revolves around one-on-one battles emphasizing spacing, timing, and reading your opponent.

All the series mainstays make their return, so fans of characters like Kazuya, Jin, King, and Nina will feel right at home. Some new faces fit nicely within the eclectic Tekken roster like street brawler Leroy and taekwondo prodigy Lidia. The large and varied cast lends itself well to finding someone who matches your playstyle.

Mechanics like the combo system, juggling, and familiar movements have been retained while tweaking other areas. This allows Tekken 8 to retain what wasn’t broken rather than change things for the sake of change. Fans can enjoy the legacy gameplay with a fresh coat of paint.

Gameplay, Graphics, and Mechanics

While retaining the series’ core gameplay, Tekken 8 sets itself apart through some key additions that improve the experience. The new Heat System and Ultimate Techniques do a great job of modernizing combat by adding more comeback potential and hype moments.

Seeing fighters enter powered-up states complete with flashy effects and enhanced special moves makes matches even more visually engaging. The Heat System also discourages turtling and encourages more aggression.

With the shift to Unreal Engine 5, Tekken 8 is also the best-looking entry yet with insanely detailed character models and backgrounds. Effects like sweat and dirt on fighters make combat look visceral. Small touches like animals in the background bring more life to the stages. The game runs smoothly even with all these visual upgrades.

Quality of life changes to tutorials and practice mode also make Tekken 8 the most accessible game yet for newcomers. There’s less of a knowledge gap to fight veterans compared to past games. With amazing graphics and new mechanics that improve the gameplay, Tekken 8 has all the ingredients to succeed.

Hype Surrounding Tekken 8

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As one of the most popular and long-running fighting game franchises, the Tekken series has cultivated a dedicated fanbase over the years. After the massive success of Tekken 7, fans were eagerly anticipating what would come next for the series.

Several factors contributed to the substantial hype and expectations surrounding the release of Tekken 8. Firstly, it had been over 6 years since the last mainline entry, so fans were desperate for something new after years of updates to Tekken 7.

Announcements and early previews fueled anticipation by showcasing gorgeous new graphics and interesting system changes that appeared to freshen up gameplay. The developers openly communicating details during production also kept the hype high.

The franchise’s status as one of the “Big Three” fighting game series alongside Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat also meant extra attention on Tekken 8 to meet standards set by its peers.

How Tekken 8 lives up to the expectations

While any sequel to a long-running series will inevitably draw comparisons to past games, Tekken 8 does a commendable job of retaining the best aspects of the franchise while also refreshing the experience.

Gameplay maintains the steady foundations of spacing, timing, and reading opponents that have defined the series from the start. Beloved characters make their return with familiar yet expanded movesets that fit right in. New additions like the Heat System also succeed by enhancing matches rather than detracting from what makes Tekken, well…Tekken!

Visually, Tekken 8 is also a noticeable leap owing to the new engine. Character models are packed with finer details that bring out personalities. Backgrounds also feature small environmental touches to make stages feel alive.

By staying true to the core gameplay while enhancing visuals, mechanics, and accessibility, Tekken 8 lives up to the hype and clearly demonstrates the series is still evolving even after nearly 30 years. It retains just enough familiarity while also feeling fresh and modern.

Impact of Tekken 8 on the Gaming Community

tekken 8 training

As one of the landmark fighting game series, expectations were high for Tekken 8 to have an impact on the genre moving forward. So far, critics and fans are already praising many of the changes and their potential influence.

The addition of the Heat System and Ultimate Techniques is seen as a new benchmark for how traditional fighting games can modernize. Allowing for more back-and-forth battles and highlight reel moments brings more excitement without sacrificing skill.

The smooth online experience courtesy of rollback netcode also demonstrates how vital good connectivity is for the genre to thrive. Crossplay functionality also widens the player pool. As more fighters aim to nail the online experience, Tekken 8 has set a strong example of what should be standard.

Visually, Tekken 8 also represents a new bar for graphical quality in fighting games thanks to Unreal Engine 5. As other franchises start leaping next-gen consoles, they will likely take notes from how gorgeous and smooth Tekken 8 looks and runs.

With its stellar reception so far, Tekken 8 proves the series can still innovate and influence the genre it helped define. Key changes show how legacy fighting games can evolve gracefully while retaining what people love. Other franchises will certainly be taking notes from this latest installment.

We used a gaming rig with these features:

  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5600
  • GPU: NVIDIA RTX 4070 Ti
  • RAM: 16GB DDR4 @ 3600MHz
  • Storage: WD SN570
  • Running the game on 1080p, 75Hz

Based on early reactions, Tekken 8 has been received positively across the board, appealing to both newcomers and long-time series fans alike.

Fighting game veterans are praising how it retains the steady, spacing-focused foundations of the series while enhancing visuals and adding some new modern mechanics. The Heat System in particular makes matches more dynamic without sacrificing the calculated gameplay the series is known for.

Meanwhile, new players are highlighting how additions like the in-depth tutorial modes and practice tools make Tekken 8 the most accessible entry in the series yet. There’s less of a frustrating knowledge gap compared to past games, allowing newcomers to better grasp core concepts.

Reviewers also highlight how Tekken 8 offers something for all skill levels. Beginners can still have fun with button mashing or simplified inputs while experts can delve deep into frame data and complex combos. No player feels left behind.

Broad appeal shows Tekken 8 expertly straddles the line between retaining the loyal fanbase while also opening the door for new players to join the ranks. Bandai Namco’s goal of retaining legacy appeal while making an accessible entry seems to be succeeding.

Pros and Cons


  • Brand new fighting system feels unique
  • Improved netcode over Tekken 7
  • UE5-backed visuals are attractive


  • Conclusion to the Mishima saga is streamed
  • Plot points pulled out of thin atmosphere
Buy Taken 8 ($70)


As the latest entry in the renowned fighting game franchise, Tekken 8 impresses on all fronts. Visually, it sets a new standard for graphical quality in the genre while also running amazingly smoothly. The shift to Unreal Engine 5 has paid dividends.

Gameplay retains the measured spacing-focused combat Tekken is known for while adding some exciting new mechanics like the Heat System and Ultimate Techniques. These modern additions inject more hype moments without sacrificing depth.

Features like the expanded practice mode and thorough tutorial also make Tekken 8 the most accessible title yet for newcomers. The experience gap doesn’t feel as daunting as past games.

With its stellar reception among critics and fans so far, Tekken 8 succeeds as the next evolution of the series. It manages to feel familiar yet fresh, catering to veterans of the series while inviting newcomers. Early indications suggest Tekken 8 will have a substantial impact on the fighting game genre moving forward.

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Ahmad Ali

Ahmad Ali is an IT Professional and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information about the creations occurring in the IT world.
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