What is happening in Russia?

As of June 25th, 2023, Russia has been facing a myriad of challenges and developments in various sectors, including politics, human rights, economy, and social issues. This article aims to provide an overview of the current situation in the country.

Political Environment

The 1993 constitution declares Russia a democratic, federative, law-based state with a republican form of government. State power is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. However, President Vladimir Putin has been the dominant political figure since 2000, enhancing his control over state institutions and the media.


The Russian economy experienced a downturn in 2022, with its gross domestic product (GDP) dropping by 2.1%. Despite a strong rebound in the first half of 2021, growth in trade lost momentum amid easing global economic activity and persistent supply bottlenecks. The Central Bank of Russia has been tightening monetary policy to combat rising inflation caused by high demand, rising commodity prices, and supply bottlenecks.

Human Rights and Social Issues

Russia has been grappling with numerous human rights issues, including government pressure on independent media, political prisoners, treatment of LGBTQI+ persons, environmental problems, elections, COVID-19, and corruption. The country has also witnessed cases of torture, ill-treatment of inmates, and persecution of dissenters, particularly in Chechnya under Governor Ramzan Kadyrov’s rule.

Freedom of expression has been increasingly restricted, with authorities branding individuals and entities as “foreign media—foreign agent” and penalizing artistic expression that criticizes or sheds light on sensitive issues. Police have detained and assaulted journalists covering protests, despite their compliance with official requirements.

Authorities have also used COVID-19 as a pretext for blanket bans on public assemblies organized by civic and political activists, prosecuting organizers and participants for noncompliance. However, the pandemic did not deter authorities from holding mass pro-government or state-sponsored events.

Environmental Concerns

Permafrost degradation due to warming temperatures and more intense fires poses a threat to livelihoods and infrastructure in Russia’s north, increasing the risk of industrial accidents. In February, a court ordered Russian mining company Norilsk Nickel to pay a US$2 billion fine over an oil spill that caused massive environmental destruction.

Migration and Asylum

Russia has adopted new amendments to its migration law, mandating fingerprinting, photographing, and regular medical examination of all foreigners who spend more than 90 days in the country (30 days for migrant workers). The country has also witnessed cases of forced deportations and refoulement of asylum seekers and migrants.

Russia is currently facing a complex array of challenges and developments across various sectors. The country’s political environment, economy, human rights situation, and social issues are all areas of concern that require attention and action from both domestic and international stakeholders.

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Usman Mushtaq

Usman is a storyteller of online communities and digital connections. Through captivating user stories, his articles explore the power of social media in bringing people together from all corners of the virtual world.
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