How to See Someone’s Previous Twitter Username

For multiple reasons, it can be helpful to find out someone’s old Twitter account. Find out more about someone’s previous interaction with you online, confirm their identification, or get in touch with a long-lost acquaintance. Twitter focuses on user privacy and security, so getting to this information isn’t always simple.

Use Twitter’s Advanced Search Function

One of the easy ways to find someone’s previous Twitter username is to use Twitter’s advanced search feature. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Visit here on a desktop or mobile browser.
  2. In the “From these accounts” field, enter the person’s current Twitter handle, preceded by “@” (e.g. @wikitechlibrary).
  3. Leave other fields blank and click “Search” to view tweets just from that account.
  4. Scan your tweet history for references to or interactions with your old username.

This is the best way to quickly filter the tweet history of one Twitter account. You can find the previous names in their tweets by scrolling through their posts and chats from years previous, provided they haven’t deleted any.

One catch is that it requires a public Twitter account to work. Additional recommendations are provided below for personal accounts.

Ask Directly

If you are unable to find the person’s previous Twitter username using the search, you can also try asking them personally via direct message (DM) or another method of communication.

Here are some tips for framing your request:

  • Be upfront about why you want to know their old username and how you intend to use that information.
  • Frame it as a personal request rather than a demand, using a polite and friendly tone.
  • Provide context if you have a specific reason like trying to reconnect as an old friend or colleague.
  • Respect it if they don’t feel comfortable sharing that information for privacy reasons.

They might be willing to freely reveal their previous username if you ask politely and explain your reasons. However, in the end, it’s up to them.

Network Within the Twitter Community

If the person you’re searching for has a private account or is unwilling to share their old username directly, another option is to leverage your existing connections on Twitter.

Here are the steps for networking within the Twitter community:

  1. Identify any mutual connections you share, such as friends, colleagues, or public figures you both follow.
  2. Politely ask those connections via DM if they recall or have records of the person’s old username.
  3. Search for those mutual connections’ tweets and likes for references to the person’s old handle.
  4. If you have no direct connections to the person, politely ask your followers via tweet or DM for any information they may have on the person from their previous identity.

By tapping into the collective knowledge of other Twitter users, you may be able to uncover additional details even without access to the person’s tweets and account directly.

Deal with Private Accounts

If the person you’re searching for has a private Twitter account that limits access to their tweets and profile information, that severely limits the visibility into their posting history and online connections.

A few options for this method include:

  • Politely send them a follow-up request along with a message noting your intent and reasons for wanting to follow them.
  • Request mutual connections to vouch for you to get approved to access a private account.
  • Search for references to the person’s Twitter presence on other public sites like news articles, blog posts, or social platforms.

Cracking a private account will be extremely difficult without some form of an existing connection to that person. The methods above can provide some possible workarounds but ultimately the account owner has full control over who accesses a private account.


It’s important to re-emphasize respecting people’s privacy choices on social platforms like Twitter. While uncovering someone’s old username may seem harmless on the surface, people often have very personal reasons for changing identities or limiting access to their accounts. It’s crucial that we respect those decisions and not pressure them into sharing more than they are comfortable with.

Twitter provides robust privacy configurations and account security features that give users great control over their digital presence. As we seek insights into people’s evolving identities on social platforms, we should carefully weigh our reasons against the principles of privacy and consent. There may be legitimate contexts where learning an old username provides value. But in cases where our requests are denied, that decision warrants our full respect.

By keeping these ethical considerations in mind as we navigate Twitter and other social platforms, we can foster positive communities built on trust and understanding.

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Ahmad Ali

Ahmad Ali is an IT Professional and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information about the creations occurring in the IT world.
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