How to Find and Catch Katress in Palworld

Katress is a dark element Pal in the survival game Palworld. As the 75th Pal in the Paldeck, Katress possesses powerful abilities and is sought after by many players. Its dark element means that the Katress only appears at night, making it more elusive and challenging to obtain.

Katress Location in Palworld: Where to Find It

As a dark element Pal, Katress only spawns at night in Palworld. It will not appear during daytime hours. Specifically, Katress can be found roaming two locations at night:

  • Verdant Brook
  • Moonless Shore

Players should search these areas when night falls to try spotting a Katress. However, another option is to locate the Katress alpha boss in the Islandhopper Coast region. The dungeon entrance can be found at map coordinates (241, -330) and will glow blue when night arrives.

Entering this dungeon will initiate a battle against a high-level Katress alpha boss, which takes preparation to defeat but offers the chance to capture a very strong Katress specimen if successful.

How to Catch a Katress in Palworld

Here are some tips for catching a Katress in Palworld:

  • Ensure your level is 23 or higher before attempting to battle the Katress alpha boss. Lower levels will struggle with the amount of damage dealt.
  • Bring along dragon element Pals, as they exploit the weakness of Katress’s dark element.
  • Stock up on Mega Spheres and Giga Spheres to improve chances of capture success.
  • Have healing items or a Pal with healing abilities to endure Katress’s attacks during the fight.
  • Use your most powerful Pals and abilities to wear down Katress’s health.
  • When its health is low, switch to a Mega or Giga Sphere to attempt capture.

Defeating and capturing the alpha boss Katress takes skill and perseverance. But the rewards are worthwhile for this rare dark element Pal. With some luck and the right preparations, players can add this unique Katress to their collection.


The dark element Pal Katress is a coveted creature in Palworld due to its nighttime-only appearance, item-boosting partner skill, base contributions, and battle prowess. Locating a Katress means searching Verdant Brook and Moonless Shore at night.

Players can also seek out the Katress alpha boss through a dungeon battle. Catching this elusive Pal involves proper planning, using dragon element Pals, having high-level spheres, and whittling down its health before attempting capture.

With the right approach, a Katress can become a valuable addition to any Palworld player’s roster. Its dark element abilities and partner skills offer excellent benefits that make the effort to obtain this rare Pal worthwhile.

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