LEGO Fortnite: How to Set Respawn Location

LEGO Fortnite is an exciting new game mode in Fortnite that allows players to explore a LEGO-themed world. In this lighthearted and colorful environment, players can gather resources, build structures, and battle opponents.

Setting a respawn point ensures you can quickly get back into the action without losing too much progress. It allows you to play more daringly, knowing that death is not the end.

A good respawn location also serves as a central base, where you can store items without fear of losing them.

There are some advantages to setting a respawn location in LEGO Fortnite:

  • Saves progress – You won’t lose all items, builds, or resources each time you die
  • Quickly get back into action – Respawn right next to key items and builds
  • Central base – Respawning to a set location allows you to amass items safely
  • Play more daringly – Death isn’t permanent so you can take more risks
  • Peace of mind – Know exactly where you’ll reappear after defeat
  • Convenience – Avoid the frustration of respawning in random, unfamiliar areas

As you can see, setting your respawn point provides some major advantages in LEGO Fortnite. It’s a vital tip that can save you time and progress as you explore this bright, blocky world.

How to Set a Respawn Location in LEGO Fortnite

Foraging for sticks or salvaging from chopped trees

Set a respawn point is crafting a bed. To make a bed, you need 10 wood pieces, which can be obtained by:

  • Foraging – Keep an eye out across the landscape for individual stick pieces lying on the ground. Run over them to automatically pick them up.
  • Chopping trees – Use your axe to smash entire trees. The logs will break into multiple wood pieces you can collect.

Sticks tend to be scattered pretty widely, so focus on chopping down trees to quickly amass the wood you need. Target the smaller, brighter green trees rather than the large darker pines.

Crafting the bed and placing it in a sheltered area

Once you have 10 wood pieces, open your inventory and navigate to the ‘Crafting’ tab. Select the bed icon to craft it. Make sure to place your new bed in a protected area not exposed to the elements.

Beds cannot be slept in if they are outdoors getting rained or snowed on. Build a quick shelter around your bed or place it anywhere with a ceiling overheard, like a cave or building.

Resting in the bed to set the respawn location

Interact with the crafted bed and select the ‘Rest’ option to make this your respawn point. Your character will go to sleep for a few seconds while the game saves this location.

Whenever you die now, you will reappear right next to this bed so you can quickly recover any items and get back out there.

How to Test Your Respawn Location

Dying in the game to test the respawn location

To confirm that your bed respawn point has been correctly set, you will need to die in LEGO Fortnite.

There are a few quick ways to perish – fall from a great height, get eliminated by another player, or stand in the path of the storm when it constricts. You will then enter a knocked-down state.

Do not revive yourself. Allow the timer to count down to zero which will fully eliminate you from the match. Your respawn will then kick in.

Check to respawn point is where the bed was placed

Shortly after dying, your character will reappear at the point where your bed was originally placed. Quickly check your surroundings to confirm your precise respawn location.

Look for key landmarks around the bed like buildings, hills, trees, etc. If these match up with what was around your bed prior, the respawn point has been correctly set.

Making adjustments if needed

If your respawn point does not match the bed location for any reason, you will need to craft and place another bed before resting in it.

Destroy your existing misplaced bed so only one respawn point is active at a time. Follow the steps above again more carefully to ensure your new bed spawn is correctly configured.


You now have the power to establish your own respawn point, freeing you up to fully immerse in the zany LEGO Fortnite landscape.

Explore as far as you want, scale tall mountains, build dizzying structures, take on difficult dungeons, and don’t hesitate to attack other players. You now have the security of respawning exactly where you want.

So venture out, collect resources, defeat menacing villains, discover hidden chests, and enjoy LEGO Fortnite’s bright, blocky world. You have set your respawn location, so dying just means quickly getting back into fun action!

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Muqadas Fatima

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