How to Recover Deleted Reels on Facebook

Is it Possible to Recover Deleted Reels on Facebook?

Reels on Facebook allow users to create and share short, entertaining videos that play in a loop. They have become hugely popular since their introduction in 2020. However, sometimes users may accidentally delete a reel that they wanted to keep.

So a common question is – can you recover a deleted Facebook reel? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Once a Facebook reel is deleted, there is currently no way to recover it. The content is permanently erased from Facebook’s servers.

This can be frustrating if you have put time and effort into creating a reel, only to have it disappear with one errant tap. But Facebook’s policy is that deleted content is meant to be deleted, so there are no recovery options available.

How to Archive a Post on Facebook

Archiving a regular Facebook post is easy:

  1. Open the Facebook app and navigate to your profile page
  2. Find the post want to archive and tap on the three dots in the upper right corner
  3. A dropdown menu appears – select “Move to Archive”
  4. Confirm that you want to archive the post

And that’s it. The post is now archived and removed from your public profile. You can access and unarchive archived posts at any time through your profile’s Archive folder.

So remember to use archiving rather than deleting posts you might want to resurrect later. Unfortunately, reels do not have this option yet.

Future Outlook: Addition of Archive Feature for Reels

Is there a chance Facebook might add an archive option for reels in the future? There’s certainly a possibility.

After initially launching reels without archiving, Facebook had to bow to user demand by implementing it for regular posts. So there is precedent of the company expanding archiving capabilities based on user feedback.

An archive feature for reels would also align with Facebook’s general shift towards more multimedia content. As reels become a bigger part of the Facebook experience, better management tools likely need to follow.

That said, enabling reel archiving also comes with risks like increased data storage demands on the back end. There are also content moderation considerations when allowing the indefinite storage of deleted content.


Given the inability to recover removed reels, utilizing the archive function for regular posts is highly advisable.

Archiving lets you remove posts from public view while still preserving them for potential future access. So it serves as a kind of “soft” deletion compared to fully erasing content.

Keep your fingers crossed that Facebook decides to bring a similar archiving option to reels in the future. But in the meantime, carefully consider whether you intend to permanently delete any reels you choose to remove.

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Ali Rehman

Rehman is your go-to source for all things social media. With a finger on the pulse of the latest trends and thriving online communities, his articles provide an engaging insight into the dynamic world of social platforms.
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