How to Use Medkit in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

Healing Injuries and Using the Medkit in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

In Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader, your characters can sustain severe injuries in battle that will negatively impact their combat performance. Specifically, when a character takes damage exceeding 50% of their total Wounds (HP), they will receive an Injury of some kind.

These Injuries come in two main categories:

  • Fresh Injuries: Recently sustained wounds that can cause impaired movement or combat abilities.
  • Old Injuries: Lingering effects of past damage that has accumulated over time.

Both Fresh and Old Injuries can drastically reduce a character’s effectiveness in the game. Fortunately, there are ways to heal your injured party members through the use of a vital item called the Medkit.

Why use Medkit for Survival

The Medkit is an essential piece of equipment in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader. It provides the only means to treat your characters’ wounds and remove detrimental Injuries they accrue.

Without access to Medkits, your party members will continue accumulating more injuries during battles. Their impaired combat abilities will only get worse over time. Eventually, they may even die from an overwhelming amount of untreated wounds.

Therefore, maintaining a healthy stock of Medkits is critical to keeping your team alive. Learning how to properly utilize them can mean the difference between success and failure when exploring dangerous planets or confronting deadly foes.

How to Get Medkit in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

Looting for Medkits in Exploration

One way to obtain Medkits is by looting them from containers or fallen enemies while exploring planets. Medkits can often be found alongside other useful items in reward caches.

Make sure to thoroughly search any areas you traverse. Check corners, and open containers, and inspect bodies after battles. Medkits have a chance to appear in many places as you progress through the game’s missions and maps.

Acquiring them during exploration ensures you’ll have reserves to heal injuries sustained in those same missions. With enough searching, you may stockpile a surplus of Medkits for future needs.

Purchasing Medkits from Vendors

If your supply runs low, you can also purchase Medkits from vendors aboard your starship or at trading posts on visited planets.

Prices may vary based on specific vendors. But buying Medkits can be a reliable way to replenish your stock when needed. Prioritize purchasing them any time your reserves are depleted after extensive injuries.

Try to avoid completely running out though. Having some Medkits on hand for emergencies can prevent a doomed scenario where multiple characters have accumulating wounds.

warhammer 40k rogue trader medkit healing medicae

How to Use a Medkit

  • First, locate the character currently suffering from an Injury. They will display visual cues like bandages or a limp.
  • Bring your medic character near them for treatment. The option to apply first aid will only appear within the interaction range.
  • With your medic selected, approach the injured character closely then bring up their character menu.
  • Their menu will appear on the screen, presenting options like inspecting their inventory.
  • While still accessing the injured character’s menu, look on the left side of the screen. An option labeled “Medkit” will now be available.
  • Select this option to have your medic apply first aid using their equipped Medkit. A progress bar will appear showing treatment status.
  • Once the bar fills, the character’s Injury will be healed. They can then continue combat or exploration at full capacity.
  • You can also have a medic apply Medkits mid-battle. However, each use costs 2 Action Points (AP) during active combat.
  • Ensure your medic has enough AP available before attempting to heal. Prioritize their turns towards revival rather than attacking enemies or other actions.
  • With good AP management, a medic can repeatedly revive multiple characters across a lengthy battle if needed.

More Effective Medkit Use

Upgrading the Medicae Skill

As your medic levels up, invest earned experience towards upgrading your Medicae skill.

Higher levels in this skill increase the amount of wounds healed per Medkit used. It also unlocks abilities to revive downed allies or provide temporary hit point boosts.

An advanced Medic can greatly bolster a team’s survivability. Don’t neglect this crucial skill tree.

Managing Action Points in Battle

Pay close attention to AP consumption when healing during fights. Begin treating injuries immediately rather than offensively attacking.

You want to ensure your medic has enough AP each turn to revive characters. Use abilities or equipment that provide AP boosts as needed.

Try to position them in cover to avoid damage while healing. Coordinate with your party’s tanks to draw fire and protect your vulnerable medic as well.

Alternatives When Out of Medkits

If your team completely runs out of Medkits, all is not lost. You can return to your starship to immediately heal all injuries.

Make escaping the current battle and returning to your ship a top priority. Avoid any further combat until you can replenish your Medkit reserves.

Purchasing them from vendors or finding more during exploration should then become your main goal before attempting any other risky missions.


Medkits are single-use items that serve a vital role – healing Injuries so your party can survive Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader’s brutal battles.

Stockpile them when possible and ensure your medic has one equipped at all times. Use them frequently as characters take damage to prevent accumulating wounds.

With a well-supplied and upgraded medic, even the most grievous Injuries can be remedied. No character is beyond saving if you know how to utilize the Medkit effectively!

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