Pixel to REM Calculator


This calculator converts pixels to CSS units called REM. The conversion is based on the standard font size of 16 pixels, but this may be changed. You can declare a size relative to the font size of the HTML root tag using the CSS rem unit. Of course, the conversion works in both directions; simply change the opposite input field.

The length of a REM unit is the same across a single document; it can only change between papers. EM can differ between elements since it is relative to the font size of the element (the exception is the font size itself, in which EM is related to the parent).

Because REM is a newer unit, older browsers do not support it.

PX to REM Conversion Table

These are the most common px-to-rem sizes. This assumes that your default font (font size) is 16px. You could try the above converter.

4px 0.25rem
8px 0.5rem
12px 0.75rem
16px 1rem
20px 1.25rem
24px 1.5rem
32px 2rem
40px 2.5rem
48px 3rem
64px 4rem
96px 6rem
128px 8rem
160px 10rem
176px 11rem
192px 12rem
208px 13rem
224px 14rem
256px 16rem
320px 20rem
480px 30rem
576px 36rem
768px 48rem
800px 50rem
960px 60rem
992px 62rem
1024px 64rem
1120px 70rem
1200px 75rem
1280px 80rem
1440px 90rem
1600px 100rem

How to Convert PX to REM

The font-size you define on an element is the key to converting a px value to a rem value.

html {font-size: 16px}

The formula can then be used to manually calculate the rem equivalent.

EM to PX Formula

rem = px / base font

Difference Between PX and REM

To know the distinction between px (pixel) and rem (root ems), you need to know what they are and how they operate.

To begin with, they are measures that are utilized on-screen media or displays on various devices. They are units of length that are widely used in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

The distinction is that px is a fixed-size unit. If you declare this font is 16px, it is exactly 16px no matter where you put it. It’s only that different devices may show it differently. A 16px font seen on your computer monitor might appear different on your mobile phone.

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