How to Leave a Viber Group Without Anyone Knowing

Leaving a Viber group can be tricky. You may want to exit without making a big deal about it or drawing attention to yourself. But with notifications and alerts, it can be hard to make a quiet exit.

We have all been there – added to a Viber group that soon fills our chat list with irrelevant conversations. Constant pinging can get overwhelmingly fast. Before you know it, you’re longing for the days of peace, when it was just you and your contacts, without the clutter of a group chat.

So you decide it’s time to leave the group. But you don’t want to make a big fuss about it. You exit as silently as possible, without arousing suspicion or having anyone ask why you left. Easier said than done, but it is possible with the right approach.

How to Leave a Viber Group Without Anyone Knowing

Turn Off Notifications

To mute notifications for that group chat. Open Viber and go to settings. Select “Notifications,” then choose the group and toggle off sound, vibration, and previews.

Out of sight, out of mind. With no alerts drawing your attention, leaving the group becomes much easier.

Don’t Draw Attention Beforehand

Don’t announce your intention to leave the group. That just puts the idea out there and opens up a conversation about why you’re excited. Stay silent on the matter.

Also, don’t suddenly go radio silent in the group. If you’re an active participant, keep engaging at your normal level. Then no one will suspect something is up when you eventually disappear from the chat.

Wait For High Volume Period

Choose your exit wisely by leaving when there’s already a flurry of messages. If multiple conversations are happening at once, your departure will get drowned out in the chatter.

Prime times to slip away are when heated debates are taking place or during a busy period like holidays, events, breaking news, etc. Leave unnoticed in the commotion.

Remove Yourself and Delete Chat

When the time is right, open the group, select “Exit group” and confirm you want to leave. Quickly delete the chat before getting pulled back in.

Resist the urge to lurk. Seeing the chat pop up again may tempt you to rejoin. Wipe it from your messaging so it’s gone for good.

Feign Ignorance

If anyone asks later about your disappearance, pretend to be confused. Casually say you have no idea how that happened and you didn’t leave intentionally.

Act surprised that you’re no longer part of the group.


Leaving a busy Viber group without detection is tricky, but strategic moves can help you make a smooth, subtle exit without ruffling feathers.

Mute notifications, keep a normal chat presence beforehand, choose high-volume times to leave, and promptly delete the group. Feel ignorant if questioned later about your absence.

With this approach, you can free yourself from the endless pings without having to explain yourself or deal with people asking why you left. Just slip out the back door and let the Viber group chatter carry on without you.

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Ali Rehman

Rehman is your go-to source for all things social media. With a finger on the pulse of the latest trends and thriving online communities, his articles provide an engaging insight into the dynamic world of social platforms.
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