How to Block or Unblock Someone on Discord

Discord is a popular messaging platform that allows users to communicate via text, voice, and video in servers and direct messages.

With millions of active users, Discord hosts conversations on a wide range of topics from gaming to business and more. As with any online community, occasionally conversations can turn toxic or heated when users disagree or have conflicts.

As a server owner or moderator, it’s important to foster healthy conversations and manage any potential toxicity. Allowing harassment, bullying, or other harmful behavior can quickly ruin the community you’re trying to build. Having the tools to handle these situations properly is key.

How to Block Someone on Discord

Block from a Chat

If someone is harassing you or another user in a text or voice chat, you may want to block them quickly to end the interaction.

Here’s how to block them directly from an active chat:

  1. While in the chat where the user is messaging, right-click or long-press on their username.
  2. Select “Block” from the menu that pops up.
  3. Confirm the block by clicking “Block” again on the prompt.

It will immediately block all direct messages and mentions from that user to you. They will also no longer see your online status or be able to contact you directly in any way.

Block from a Profile

You can also block someone from their user profile if you don’t have an active chat open with them.

  1. Open your friends list and go to the user’s profile.
  2. Click the three-dot “…” menu in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Block” to immediately block that user.

The effects are the same as above – all communication will be cut off and their ability to see your online status or interact directly with you will be revoked.

Alternatives to Blocking

Muting: A Less Extreme Option

Rather than completely blocking communication, muting a user will simply hide their messages from your view temporarily. They can still participate in channels you share and won’t know you’ve muted them. To mute someone:

  1. Right-click the user’s name in a channel or their profile.
  2. Select “Mute” to instantly hide all their messages.
  3. To undo, right-click and select “Unmute” to see their messages again.

Muting preserves the user’s access while letting you ignore disruptive behavior as needed. It avoids further provoking them while letting other mods continue monitoring them.

Effectiveness of Muting Over Blocking

Unlike blocking, muting has some key advantages:

  • The user won’t know they are muted, avoiding further retaliation.
  • They retain access to the server and channels.
  • Other mods can still monitor their behavior.
  • You easily disable it if the issues are resolved.
  • It’s less likely to provoke an angrier response.

In many cases, muting can quietly curb annoying behavior vs. blocking which formally cuts off access. Use your discretion to pick the right tool for each situation.

How to Unblock Someone on Discord

Find and Unblock a Previously Blocked User

If you change your mind after blocking someone or they have promised to improve their behavior, unblocking them is straightforward:

  1. Open your Privacy Settings and go to “Blocked Users”
  2. Find the user you want to unblock in the list
  3. Click the “Unblock” button next to their name

It will restore communication in channels you share and reopen their ability to message you directly once more.

Before unblocking someone, consider what led you to block them originally. Things to weigh include:

  • Have they acknowledged & taken responsibility for their actions?
  • Did they offer a genuine apology to affected users?
  • Are they committed to improving their behavior going forward?
  • Has enough time passed for emotions to de-escalate?

Rushing to unblock someone without care can enable repeat offenses. Have a conversation before restoring their access to ensure both sides are ready to move forward amicably.


Discord provides flexible tools like blocking, banning, and muting to handle disruption. Understanding when and how to use each option is key to effective moderation.

Blocking and unblocking specifically can immediately cut off or restore communication as needed. They allow servers to quickly stop harassment while still leaving the door open to reconciliation in some cases.

Used carefully in concert with warnings, temporary mutes, or bans as needed, blocking helps moderators respond firmly but fairly to toxicity.

With the right rules, tools, and leadership approach, Discord servers can thrive as positive environments for meaningful conversations around shared hobbies, interests, and experiences.

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Muqadas Fatima

Muqadas is your tech-savvy friend keeping you in the loop on the newest features, app updates, and handy how-to's across various social media platforms. Stay informed and make the most of your social experience.
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